Sex and The City: the movie

Fall 2010 Fashion Trend: Socks

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Another trend to look out for this Fall are thigh-high socks, knee-high socks, ,ankle socks and leg warmers.  This look is definitely not for everybody, but if you are a risk taker, this maybe the right medicine for you! Even our favorite girl "Carrie Bradshaw" wore them while shooting  Sex and the City: The Movie! What do you think, is it a do or a don't? Would love to hear what you think.

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Spanish – Español

Otra tendencia que va a estar muy de moda este Otoño son las medias hasta la rodilla, encima de la rodilla y hasta el tobillo. Este look definitivamente no es para todas, solo para las chicas atrevidas que no les gusta pasar desapercibidas.  Hasta nuestra chica preferida "Carrie Bradshaw" las uso mientras filmaba la pelicula Sex and the City. Que piensas de este look, te gusta o no?

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