tweed dress


Yeap, I'm wearing flats ... I might of had fever that day hahaha. Actually the only reason I wore flats it's because I didn't have the right shoes to go with this outfit (Remember, I stayed in San Francisco for three weeks and only took four pair of shoes). So, I wore these black ballerinas! I still think this outfit would of looked better with some heels!

Spanish - Español

Si, no estan viendo doble mis Queens ... estoy con zapatos chatitos; creo que ese dia tenia fiebre jajaja. Lo que pasa es que estas fotos las tome en San Francisco y no tenia tacones que le fueran a este outfit (Se acuerdan solo lleve cuatro pares). Por eso decidi ponerme estos zapatos ... aunque pienso que unos tacaones le hubiesen ido mejor al look.

What I'm wearing: