faux fur



Coat: Zara Leggings: Zara Boots: Zara

I hope you had a beautiful Christmas! I ate too much I can barely move lol ... On another note, here are some pictures from my trip to Versailles, France. This place was BEYOND beautiful and magical. I hope you enjoy these pics as much as I enjoy the place!

Espero que hayan pasado una linda Navidad! Yo como demasiado y con las justas me puedo mover jajaja. Cambiando de tema, aquí les comparto unas fotitos de mi viaje a Versalles en Francia. Un lugar hermoso y mágico. Espero disfruten las fotitos tanto como yo disfrute del lugar :-)

New York Fashion Week Fall 2014 - Day Two


Coat Nordstrom Tee: Alexander Wang HERE Pants: Rag & Bone HERE Shoes: Giusseppe Zanotti (They are HALF OFF NOW) HERE Bag: Forever 21

What can I say? Fashion Week has been crazy and cold! Yes, very cold. I don't remember last year being this cold. So, for my second day at Lincoln Center , I was trying to stay warm but it didn't work haha. Oh well, the things we do for the love of fashion! I'm obsessed with this coat and the sweatpants, I think it's a fun and edgy outfit! I hope you like it :-)

Spanish – Español

Que les puedo decir? La Semana de la Moda en Nueva York ha sido una locura y ademas muy fria. La verdad es que llevo cubriendola por cinco temporadas y no recuerdo que haya hecho tanto frio en ocasiones pasadas. Esta vez queria un look cool pero a la vez que me abrigara ... no logre mi cometido pero me encanto este look! Espero te guste :-)


With Spanish designer Custo Dalmau from Custo Barcelona backstage

Snakeskin Jeans

Walking through Soho doing some shopping for Miami. Yes, I'm leaving this Wednesday to attend Hispanicize.  I'm super excited to attend the conference and finally be in a warm place. I can't wait to show you all my outfits. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter for all the updates

Spanish - Español

De paseo y de compras por Soho comprando ropa para Miami. Si, me voy este Miercoles para asistir a Hispanicize. Ya me muero de ganas de estar en Miami y mostrarles todos mis looks. No se olviden de seguirme en twitter para que se enteren de todas mis aventuras por la ciudad del sol.

My new favorite bag from Kooba! I love the color and style.

What I'm wearing:

  • Faux-Fur Vest: Nordstrom
  • Jeans: Zara
  • Boots: c/o Bakers
  • Bag: c/o Kooba

New York Fashion Week Fall 2013 - Day 4

I hope you had a great weekend. I had a fabulous one! I rested a little, worked out, worked, went shopping and went out ... just what I need it! So, New York Fashion Week is over but I still have a few more looks to share with you. I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoy remembering all the amazing shows I attended :-)

Spanish - Español

Espero que hayan tenido un lindo fin de semana, el mío estuvo fabuloso! Descanse un poco, trabaje, hice ejercicio, salí de compras y con mis amigas ... justo lo que necesitaba. Como ya sabran, la Semana de la Moda de Nueva York ya acabo, pero todavía tengo varios looks que compartir con ustedes. Espero les gusten las fotitos, y siiiiii me pelaba de frío :-)


A BIG thanks to my girl Milly from Beauty Logic for taking these pics while it was 15 degrees Fahrenheit. You rock Queen!

What I'm wearing:

  • Dress: Milly
  • Coat: Bebe
  • Necklace: Zara
  • Sunglasses: Reed Krakoff
  • Shoes: Christian Louboutin
  • Bag: c/o ShoeDazzle

Partnering with L'Oreal - It's hair time!

I have been dying to share this news with you for a few months now and the time has finally come! I am super excited to tell you that I am partnering with L'Oreal Paris USA and I will be bringing you tips and everything that has to do with hair here on my blog. Besides shoes, my hair is a big topic among all of you. I get tons of emails asking me about what products I use, how I style it, etc .. so this is the perfect opportunity to share everything with you. My first hair post will be up this Wednesday so stay tuned.

Spanish - Español

Desde hace meses tenia unas ganas locas de contarles, lo que les voy a contar ahorita, pero no me dejaban todavia jaja. Así que estoy súper contenta de contarles que L'Oreal y yo nos hemos asociado para traerles posts sobre ... ¿que creen? todo lo relacionado con el cabello. Ademas de los zapatos una de las preguntas que mas me hacen ustedes es sobre mi cabello. Asi que esta es la oportunidad perfecta para compartir con ustedes un poquito mas de mi rutina, cuidado etc. Este miércoles empiezo con los consejitos.

What I'm wearing:

  • Top: c/o Lulus
  • Jacket: Banana Republic
  • Gloves: Nordstrom
  • Skirt & Boots: Borrowed from friend