
Flowers, Candles and Love

It was such a beautiful night when I took this pictures! There were candles everywhere, the weather was great and the company was even better. I think everything is so much better when you are surrounded by amazing people and you can laugh for hours.

I just created a YouTube channel for FlordeMariaFashion! I uploaded my fashion segments that I did for Univision. Check them out and tell me what you think!

Show some love to my page and follow it with Google Friend Connect (located on the left hand side). Thank you!

Spanish – Español

El otro dia que me tomaron estas fotos el clima estaba espectacular, habian velas por todos lados y la compañia fue lo mejor de todo. Definitivamente fue una noche inolvidable!

Acabo de crear mi canal de YouTube para FlordeMariaFashion. Ya puse los videos de mi segmento de Univision.  Dime que piensas!

Muestrale amor a mi blog y siguelo con Google Friend Connect (la cajita esta a la mano izquierda). Gracias

Pictures by Garry

What I'm wearing:

  • Jeans: Rich & Skinny
  • Blouse: Nordstrom
  • Shoes: Gucci
  • Earrings: H&M