beige leggings

Lusting over my Alberto Fermani Boots!

Have you ever worn a pair of shoes and you don't want to take them off? Well, that's the case with this Alberto Fermani boots that they sent me. The color and the feel are just perfection. Today, I walked over 15 blocks and I was so comfortable ... like the song goes "these boots are made for walking" haha. I literally have never been so comfortable and stylish at the same time.

Spanish - Español

¿Alguna vez te has puesto un par de zapatos y no te los quieres quitar? Bueno, ese es el caso con estas botas que me mandaron de Alberto Fermani. Es que son tan comodos, el cuero parece mantequilla de lo suave que son. Ademas el color y el estilo me matan. ¡Hoy camine 15 cuadras y ni las senti!

What I'm wearing:

  • Shirt: H&M
  • Blazer: Banana Republic
  • Leggings: American Apparel
  • Hat: Forever 21
  • Boots: c/o Alberto Fermani
  • Jewerly: SHOP HERE