Flor in Mexico

Gold Bodysuit in Mexico


Bodysuit: American Apparel Skirt: Zara Clutch: c/o JustFab Shoes: Christian Louboutin

Mexico Day One:

After a six hour flight I finally got to my hotel, Isla Mujeres Palace Resorts, located 20 minutes from Cancun. The hotel was so beautiful that as soon as I got there I took shower, changed and went downstairs to grab a bite to eat. I had only gotten a couple of hours of sleep the night before (that's why I look so tired) but that didn't matter that night! It was sooooo hot there that this backless bodysuit was perfect for the weather. I actually loved the combo so much that I will probably wear it again :-) I hope you like the outfit!

Spanish – Español

Mi primer dia en Mexico:

Después de viajar mas de seis horas finalmente llegue a mi hotel, Isla Mujeres Palace Resorts, el cual queda a 20 minutos de Cancun. El hotel es hermoso por lo que ni bien llegue,  a pesar de haber dormido solo unas horas la noche anterior, quise bajar a cenar. Esto fue lo que use, la verdad que me encanto la combinación por lo que seguro me lo pondré otra vez! Espero les guste este look.



Disclosure: Part of this trip was sponsored by Isla Mujeres Palace Resorts.