Cosmo offices

Featured on Cosmo for Latinas as a Fashion Stylist

I still remember when Michelle, the Editor in Chief for Cosmo for Latinas, e-mailed me to collaborate in the Spring issue of the magazine. I was so happy I called my mom immediately and told her the story! I was even more excited because this time around ( I was featured in the first issue of Cosmo for Latinas) I wasn't going to be featured as a blogger but I was going to style a page!!!! I can not even tell you how happy I was. Not many people know that I'm also a fashion stylist and the fact that a magazine such as Cosmo for Latinas believed in my vision and trusted me to style a page is more that I could ask for. I'm beyond blessed and thankful to God for all the opportunities. Don't ever stop believing, dream big, pray and never give up. If I can do it, YOU can too!!!!

Spanish – Español

Todavia recuerdo cuando Michelle, la editora de la revista Cosmo for Latinas, me mando un e-mail preguntándome si queria ser parte de la edición de primavera de la revista. Estaba tan emocionada que ni bien termine de leer el e-mail llame a mi mama a contarle la noticia. Recuerdo que estaba super contenta ya que esta vez no iba a salir en la revista como una blogger (salí en la primera revista) si no que iba a style toda una pagina. Para mi esto significaba mucho, ya que yo soy asesora de imagen/stylist, y el hecho de que una revista, como Cosmopolitan for Latinas, crea en mi trabajo y me de esta oportunidad vale oro. Estoy tan agradecida con Dios por bendecirme cada día mas. Nunca dejen de soñar, sueñen en grande por que si yo lo puedo hacer ustedes también :-)

I want to share with you some behind the scene pictures so you get a better idea of how a page in a magazine comes along! Trust me, is not as easy as it seems. For example, a page that you see in a magazine can take a couple of weeks to create (from the time you pick the topic, to the time it goes into publishing). Once you pick the topic, you have to think about the products that you wan to feature and you have to order them (see how many products I had to choose from). Then you have to think about the prices, the colors (everything has to blend together) the design, the text, the pictures and much more. I'm very happy how the page turned out! I know you will see me rock one of these looks during the World Cup! Don't forget to grab a copy of Cosmo for Latinas, take a pic and tag me on social media :-)

Spanish – Español

Quiero compartir esta fotos con ustedes para que se den cuenta como es el proceso. Créanme, no es tan fácil como parece. Una hoja que ustedes ven en la revista puede tomar semanas para armar. Primero tienes que escoger el tema, luego ordenar las piezas, enfocarte en el color, el diseño, los precios, el contexto, las fotos y mas. Estoy muy contenta con el resultado final, me encanta. Creo que soy completamente "yo" ya que me pondría todos estos looks. Ahora que llegue el Mundial me verán con uno que otro look. No se olviden de comprar la revista que ya esta a la venta :-) Si se toman una fotito con la revista no se olviden de etiquetearme en las redes sociales.


Thank you Michelle and Niria for believing in me and Jessie for the hard work!