Nothing is easy!

These past two weeks have been crazy. As many of you know I moved and I've been shopping for new furniture, organizing and decorating my new place, which BTW I love :-) It's been hard because I don't have any family or close friends in New York, so I pretty much had to do all the moving myself (I can't believe I had over 26 boxes plus luggage to move haha). Well, the good thing is Mercedes came over after for a bit and we went to lunch! I'm not going to lie I got a little homesick in the last couple of days. I miss my family, Cobe and my friends so much, but I have to remember that I came to New York looking for new opportunities and to follow my dreams. It hasn't been easy, but who said life is easy right? The older I get the more I realize that.

Spanish - Español

Estas dos semanas he estado como loca con la mudanza y arreglando y decorando mi nuevo departamento, el cual adoro :-) La verdad es que ha sido súper difícil porque no tengo familia ni amigas cercanas en Nueva York que me ayuden con la mudanza. Por lo que no les voy a mentir, estos últimos días me he puesto triste y un poco melancólica. Pero tengo que recordar que nada es fácil en esta vida y que me mude a Nueva York buscando nuevas oportunidades y en busca de un sueño.

What I'm wearing:

Top: Forever 21 Skirt: Forever 21 Bag: H&M Shoes: Zara