Meet my new baby - Toy Watch!

Let me introduce you to my new baby. How gorgeous is this Toy crystal pave watch? I'm very particular when it comes to watches, as a matter of fact you have probably only seen me wear one before. But, when they sent me this watch, I fell in love right away. So, I planned my outfit around it! I had just gotten this bag that I saw Mayte wear and it went perfect with the watch. So, here is what I came up with! Do you like to wear a watch?

Spanish - Español

Les presento a mi nuevo bebe! ¿Dime si no es hermoso este reloj Toy Watch? Yo soy super especial cuando se trata de relojes, es por eso que quizas solo me has visto usar uno antes. Pero ni bien me lo mandaron me enamore de el y me lo quise poner ya, jaja.  Justo me acababa de comprar este bolso que lo vi en el blog de Mayte e iba perfecto con el reloj. Asi que asunto resuelto. Y a ti, ¿te gustan los relojes?

What I'm wearing: