Celebrating 100 fashion posts!

I can't believe this is my 100th post, it seems like it was yesterday that I started "Flor de Maria Fashion".  I am very happy to share with you ideas, tips, outfit posts, street style and all things that have to do with fashion & style. I  have a lot of ideas for my blog and I can't wait for my back to heal completely, so I can share them with you!  In the meantime, I just want to thank you for visiting, following and leaving comments!

Spanish – Español

No puedo creer que este es mi post # 100, parece como si hubiese sido ayer que empece "Flor de Maria Fashion". Tengo tantas ideas para mi bog, que no veo las  horas de curarme de la espalda para poder llevarlas a cabo.  Mientras tanto, te quiero agradecer una vez mas, por visitar, seguir y dejar comentarios en este mi rinconcito de moda.

Pictures by Cherie

If you like my blog you can also follow me on facebook and twitter for tips and future giveaways. Thank you for all your support, you ROCK ♥

Spanish – Español

Si te gusta mi blog sigueme por facebook and twitter para consejitos de moda y regalos a futuro.   Mil gracias por todo tu apoyo.

What I'm wearing:

  • Dress: Old
  • Scarf: H&M
  • Jacket: H&M
  • Boots: Cole Haan
  • Tights & Socks: Nordstrom