Adventure with Me!

As soon as Tati from Furor Moda asked me if I would wear a tee that she designed, I completely said yes! Not only because she is a friend but also because I loved the meaning behind it "Adventure with Me". You know I'm all about adventures. I believe life is too short not to take any risks and grow as an individual. One of my biggest adventures so far, has been  moving to New York a year and a half ago with a few suitcases in hand, not knowing anybody or even having a job.  And I can tell you that it's been the best decision I ever took because I have grown a lot. So, take risks because you never know where they will lead you! By the way I LOOOOOOOVE my headpiece. Would you wear one?

Spanish - Español

Ni bien Tati de Furor Moda me pregunto si me pondria una camiseta que ella diseño, inmediatamente acepte. No solo por que es mi amiga y la quiero apoyar, si no tambien por que me encanto el concepto de la misma "Aventurate conmigo." Ya saben que a mi me encantan las aventuras, si no, no me hubiese mudado a Nueva York hace un año y medio, con un par de maletas, sin trabajo y sin conocer a nadie. Pienso que la vida es muy corta para no tomar riesgos. Ademas creo que con cada aventura que uno toma, uno crece como ser humano.  Y es que si no te arriesgas nunca sabrás lo que pudo ser. A proposito AMOOOO mi vincha de flores. ¿Te la pondrias?

Thank you Tati for the pictures :-)

What I'm wearing: