
Hello Spring!

As soon as I put this Bakers shoes on I felt like the Latina Carrie Bradshaw - I know, I talk about her all the time ... I just love her :-) But, I couldn't help myself. I mean look at this shoes, they belong in Carrie's closet, they are just GORGEOUS! I love the floral print, the colors and the studs. The perfect pair to welcome Spring!

Spanish - Español

Ni bien me puse estos tacones de Bakers me senti como la version Latina de Carrie Bradshaw (ya se, hablo mucho de ella, pero la adoro :-)) ¿Y es que dime si no parecen los zapatos que Carrie usaria? Yo los amo, me encanta el estampado floral, los colores y las tachuelas. El zapato perfecto para darle la bienvenida a la Primavera.

What I'm wearing: