aniversario del blog

It's my Blog's Second Birthday!

Today is my baby's AKA blog's second BIRTHDAY! This past year has been full of surprises and I'm so glad I had the chance to share everything with you. This ride has been a crazy one but a FABULOUS one as well. One of the biggest decisions I've made in my life happened last December, when I decided to live everything behind and move from San Francisco to New York City. All I wanted was to go after my dreams and I can tell you that it has been the BEST decision I made. Never would I have imagined that I was going to be a Cover Girl and have a two-page spread in "People en Español". I was also featured in "Siempre Mujer" magazine as the blogger of the month and "Cosmo for Latinas" named me one of the TOP Latina Bloggers in the country. WOW, somebody pinch me please :-)

This past year I started doing radio - which I love - I hope to have a radio show one day! I continued to do fashion segments with Univision/Telefutura and most recently with Telemundo as well. I also had the opportunity to go to multiple award shows including the Alma Awards and the Latin Billboards. And one of my DREAMS came true when I started writing for Cosmo for Latinas website (Cosmo was my favorite magazine growing up so this is beyond). I spoke at Hispanicize, started Latinas on the Move (webseries) with Mercedes and Fashion Forward Latinas (fashion seminars) with Carmen. I got invited to the White House and attended my first New York Fashion Week. Plus I got the chance to work with different brands and met so many beautiful people.

That's why I want to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for ALWAYS supporting me, leaving comments here, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, for sending me emails, Facebooking me (I think I just made that up lol) and tweeting me. Thank you for all your love. I also want to thank my family and friends and most important God for blessing me with so many amazing opportunities. I love you my QUEENS! GO after your DREAMS, work hard, have discipline, don't take NO for an answer, stay true to yourself, don't sell your soul, smile, be happy, love and know that you are exactly were you are supposed to be.

Spanish - Español

Hoy mi blog cumple dos añitos y les puedo decir que han sido dos años maravillosos. La verdad es que este ultimo año ha sido increíble, me han pasado tantas cosas lindas y estoy feliz de haberlas podido compartir con todos ustedes. Quizas una de las decisiones mas grandes de mi vida la tome en Diciembre del año pasado, cuando me mude de San Francisco a Nueva York sin realmente conocer a nadie, pero con una maleta llena de sueños. Hoy siete meses después les puedo decir que ha sido una de las mejores decisiones que tome en mi vida.

Nunca me hubiese imaginado que iba a ser una chica Cover Girl y cubrir dos paginas de la revista "People en Español" UAU. Ademas salí en la revista "Siempre Mujer" como la bloguera del mes y para rematar salí en la primera edición de la revista "Cosmo for Latinas." :-) Ademas empece a hacer radio y continúe haciendo segmentos de moda para Univision/Telefutura y recientemente con Telemundo. Son tantas cosas maravillosas que me han pasado como escribir para Cosmo for Latinas, ir a diferentes Premios, entre ellos los Billboard Latinos. Tambien empece una web series llamada Latinas on the Move y hace poco me asocie con Carmen para hacer seminarios de moda por todo Estados Unidos. También me invitaron a la Casa Blanca y asistí y mi primera "Semana de la Moda en Nueva York".

Por eso quiero agradecerles de todo corazon por todo el apoyo que me han mostrado desde el principio, sin ustedes mi blog no existiera. Gracias por sus mensajitos en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, emails y todo el cariño que me dan día a día. Tambien quiero agradecer a mi familia y a mis amigas por su apoyo y sobretodo a Diosito porque me ha bendecido mas de lo que me hubiese podido imaginar. Que les puedo decir, sigan sus sueños, trabajen duro, ignoren a la gente que les digan que NO pueden hacer algo, tengan disciplina, vivan día a día, sonrian, sean felices, amen, sean humildes y rianse que la vida es solo una. Las adoro mis QUEENS.

At The White House

I'm a Cover Girl - People en Español June Issue

Siempre Mujer Magazine "Blogger of the Month"

Cosmo for Latinas "IT" Latina Blogger

The day I moved to New York City!

New York Fashion Week

Radio Time

My Fashion Segments on Univision

Fashion Writer for Cosmo for Latinas Website!

My boyfriend haha just kidding :-) Michael Phelps!

At the Alma Awards

Carmen and I will be hosting fashion seminars across the country! Next stop MIAMI

Empire State of Mind

Speaking at Hispanicize with two of my best blogger friends, Dany and Carmen!

In Chicago getting used to the cold - NOT!

Latinas on the Move with Mercedes!