
Visiting Biarritz, France


Jumpsuit: Armani Exchange Sandals: c/o Paolo Bentini Necklace: c/o Tati Rocks

I just got from Europe and I'm still a little jet lagged. I had the most amazing time and I already miss it! I miss the streets, the food - already on a diet - the culture, the people and the vibe! On the third date we decided to go to Biarritz, a cute little town in France. It was just so beautiful, every little corner looks like it belongs in a postcard or a magazine. Since it was hot and we were going to do a lot of walking I wore my favorite silver sandals and kept it cool with a jumpsuit! I hope you love the pictures as much as I loved the town :-)

Spanish – Español

Acabo de llegar de Europa y ando bastante cansada por la diferencia de hora. Ayer me acosté a las 9 de la noche, eso nunca pasa, y me levante a las tres de la mañana. Pero vale la pena ya que la pase maravilloso y son unas vacaciones que siempre las voy a recordar. El tercer día fuimos a Biarritz, en Francia, y me enamore perdidamente de ese lugar. Cada rinconcito parecía sacado de una postal o de una revista. Como hacia tanto calor e íbamos a caminar mucho decidí ponerme este mameluco con unas sandalias bajitas. Espero les gusten las fotos tanto como a mi :-)